Originally uploaded by kelnt
And for you gamers, there is even a joystick controller located just behind the front zipper."
Si tu pareja muchas veces no te escucha..no es porque no le intereses..es que esta cientificamente comprobado que la voz de las mujeres agota el cerebro del hombre.La revista de ciencia 'Neuroimage' publico el estudio del profesor Michael Hunter, de la Universidad de Sheffield, en en cual explica que los tonos femeninos toman toda el area auditiva del cerebro, mientras que la voz de otro hombre solo requiere del area subtalamica"
El siguiente invento ha sido desarrollado por unos estudiantes de Canaday le han puesto como nombre LadyBag. Este bolso es capaz de detectar si te has olvidado de meter algo dentro gracias a unos sensores, y mostrar una carita sonriente si todo esta en su sitio..... o una cara enojada si falta algo...
Rockstar's Bully video game has been banned in Brazil as of Friday. Judge Flavio Rabello has ruled that the game can no longer be imported, sold, distributed or promoted on websites and in stores in the country.La queja de un centro juvenil logro que se prohibiera el juego. Originalmente lanzado en el 2006 y ahora que sale la nueva version para XBOX360 y Wii, estos señores se quejan.
Aerogel is used on the STARDUST spacecraft to capture comet particles from Comet Wild, A 2.5 kg brick is supported on top of a piece of aerogel weighing only 2 grams."
the company has 200 engineers developing a slimmed-down kernel called MinWin that uses 100 files and 25MB, compared to Vista's 5,000 files and 4GB core and is so small it lacks a graphical subsystem. Microsoft has also confirmed that the operating system will come in consumer and business versions and in 32-bit and 64-bit editions."
Batman needs our help!Don't let Batman be arrested. Don't let the politicians and the corrupt cops win. Don't give in to crime and corruption.
10.000 veces mas rapida que la banda ancha, por el precio de una llamada local.
Grid estanaciendo poco a poco, donde en la actualidad hay como unos 55000 servidores que utilizan esta tecnologia, pero se espera llegar a los 200.000 en los proximos dos años
A US man has sold the domain name pizza.com for $2.6m - after maintaining the site for just $20 a year since 1994. Chris Clark, 43, accepted the offer from an anonymous bidder after a week-long online auction. It's crazy, it's just crazy,' Mr Clark, who lives in North Potomac, Maryland, was quoted as saying by the Baltimore Sun newspaper. 'It will make a significant difference in my life, for sure,' he added.
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